Help and Tips

Hair Problems: How to deal with a problem scalp

There are a variety of common problems that affect the scalp, including conditions such as dandruff, psoriasis, Seborroeic dermatitis, and Lichen Simplex.
While these problems can be irritating the good news is that by using the right products you can treat and improve any symptoms you may be experiencing.
Today we’ll take a look through the most common scalp problem – Dandruff, and talk you through a few products that are perfect for treating this condition.

Back to School Hair Styles

Autumn is on the horizon and the summer holidays are all but over. That means thousands of us are going back to school, college or university. After a lazy few weeks off are you up to scratch in the style stakes? Here's how to get one of the hottest looks on campus with our look at the best back to school hairstyles for 2015.

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